Tuesday, June 11, 2024

France snap election: The logic behind Macron’s big gamble | About That

A picture of French President look down with the caption 'Calculated Risk?'

After right-leaning and far-right parties made major gains in the European parliamentary elections, French President Emmanuel Macron called a surprise snap election. Andrew Chang explains what the French president stands to lose — or possibly gain — from taking such a gamble.

source https://www.cbc.ca/player/play/9.6419490?cmp=rss

Banana company Chiquita ordered to pay families of men killed by Colombian paramilitary

A few banana bunches with the blue Chiquita sticker are shown.

Chiquita Brands International must pay $38.3 million US in damages to the families of eight Colombian men killed by a paramilitary group in that country, a Florida jury said on Monday.

source https://www.cbc.ca/news/world/banana-company-chiquita-colombian-paramilitary-1.7231521?cmp=rss

King Charles portrait vandalized with Wallace and Gromit cartoon

An activist uses a paint roller to paste a cut-out of a man from a cartoon series over a bright red painting of a king on display inside a gallery.

Animal rights activists have defaced the first official portrait of King Charles with a cut-out face of a cartoon character at a gallery in London.

source https://www.cbc.ca/news/world/king-charles-portrait-defaced-wallace-and-gromit-1.7231242?cmp=rss

Ransomware attack on England's health system highlights life-threatening impact of cybercrime

A person in a medical setting is receiving a blood transfusion.

A ransomware attack disrupted several London hospitals' ability to match patients to their correct blood type, leading to an urgent call for O positive and negative donors. The incident underlines the severity of the ransomware epidemic.

source https://www.cbc.ca/news/business/nhs-ransomware-attack-blood-donors-1.7230601?cmp=rss