Friday, March 1, 2024

Burned and bulldozed British pub to be rebuilt just as it was — crooked

A brown brick building, shaped like a house that's titled to one side, with a white sign that reads "Bank's Ales" and a gold sign that reads "The Crooked House."

The owners of a quirky 18th-century British pub unlawfully bulldozed after a mysterious fire last year were ordered on Tuesday by a local council to rebuild it — and to stick to its original, lopsided dimensions.


Alexei Navalny's parents, supporters gather in Moscow for opposition leader's funeral, burial

From a distance, four men are shown lifting a coffin on their shoulders. The faces of two men are visible.

Relatives and supporters of Alexei Navalny are bidding farewell to the opposition leader at a funeral Friday in southeastern Moscow, following a battle with authorities over the release of his body after his still-unexplained death in an Arctic penal colony.


Italy's far-right leader is likely to receive a warm reception in Canada

A woman with hands raised stands behind a podium

Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni has successfully played the moderate on the international stage — while appeasing her far-right base at home.
