Thursday, December 28, 2023

Russian celebrity sued for hosting 'almost naked'-themed party in Moscow after outcry

A blond woman wearing a blue dress is shown smiling during an outdoor event as she hands a microphone to a person behind her.

The nightlife of Russia's elite has long been famously rakish but a recent party crossed an invisible line and provoked a public scandal. One pop star ended up in jail and several others issued public apologies while an ensuing lawsuit demanded a fortune in reparations. 


Nikki Haley leaves out slavery after Republican presidential candidate is asked what caused Civil War

A woman speaks into a microphone at a political event.

Republican presidential candidate Nikki Haley was asked Wednesday by a New Hampshire voter about the reason for the U.S. Civil War and didn't mention slavery in her response — leading the man to say he was "astonished" by her omission.


Tens of thousands of Palestinians in Gaza flee for 2nd time in Israel-Hamas war

About a dozen people, including adults and children, are packed with folded mattresses in the back of a flatbed truck.

Tens of thousands of already displaced Palestinian families took flight again in a new mass exodus in central Gaza on Thursday as Israeli forces mounting a major advance pounded areas already teeming with those driven out of the north.


Hunger for gold means the Amazon has reached 'tipping point' of mercury contamination from illegal mining

A man sits in a boat.

The rising value of gold worldwide has amplified illegal mining in the Amazon, where liquid mercury is being dumped in the Amazon River and causing scientists to warn that Indigenous communities and the environment could pay a far greater price.
