Sunday, December 20, 2020

Seoul to ban gatherings larger than 4 as COVID-19 deaths rise


South Korea's capital Seoul and surrounding areas banned gatherings of more than four people over the Christmas and New Year holidays as the country recorded its highest daily death toll from the coronavirus on Monday.


Canada halts flights from U.K. in response to new coronavirus strain

Air Canada 737

Canada joined several European nations in halting incoming flights from the U.K. on Sunday in an effort to prevent a new, more contagious strain of the coronavirus from spreading to this country.


Trump campaign petitions U.S. Supreme Court to overturn Pennsylvania election results


Undeterred by dismissals and admonitions from judges, U.S. President Donald Trump's campaign continued Sunday with its unprecedented efforts to overturn the results of the Nov 3. election, saying it had filed a new petition with the Supreme Court.


Rockets target U.S. Embassy in Baghdad, Iraqi officials blame 'outlawed group' for attack


Eight rockets targeted the U.S. Embassy in Baghdad's heavily fortified Green Zone late Sunday, Iraq's military and Iraqi officials said, sparking fears of renewed unrest as next month's anniversary of the U.S. slaying of an Iranian general draws near.


Saudi and U.A.E operatives hacked phones of Al Jazeera journalists: report

al jazeera

Government operatives linked to Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates hacked the personal phones belonging to journalists, producers, anchors and executives of the Al Jazeera news network, according to a report obtained by CBC News.


Netherlands bans U.K. flights, fearing new coronavirus variant


The Netherlands is banning flights from the U.K. for at least the rest of the year in an attempt to make sure that a new strain of coronavirus that is sweeping across southern England does not reach its shores.


More students abducted in Nigeria but are quickly rescued

Nigeria Boko Haram School Attacked

Gunmen in Nigeria abducted more than 80 Islamic school students in northwestern Katsina state Saturday night, but the pupils were quickly rescued by security forces after a fierce gun battle, police announced Sunday.


U.S. Congress moves closer to vote on COVID-19 economic aid package

Virus Outbreak Congress

Top U.S. ongressional lawmakers struck a late-night agreement on the last major obstacle to a COVID-19 economic relief package costing nearly $1 trillion US, clearing the way for votes as early as Sunday.


Will the Queen meet any of her family outside at Christmas? How royal festive traditions change with the times

Britain Royals

While the Royal Family's Christmas celebrations will be different this year, the public interest and scrutiny that has focused for generations on how they mark the festive season will continue.


COVID-19 didn't overwhelm Africa as some feared. But Uganda is a cautionary tale of rising risk


Uganda has managed to avoid the deadliest impacts of COVID-19 relatively well so far. But doctors say it wouldn’t take much of a spike to overwhelm the country’s hospitals, which have only 55 functional intensive care beds for 42 million people.
