Wednesday, February 9, 2022

New Zealand moves to end Canada-inspired convoy protest after 3 days

Virus Outbreak New Zealand Protests

Police on Thursday began arresting dozens of protesters who were camped out on the grounds of New Zealand's Parliament on the third day of a convoy protest against coronavirus mandates.


Coronavirus: What's happening in Canada and around the world on Wednesday


Sweden has halted wide-scale testing for COVID-19 even among people showing symptoms of an infection, putting an end to the mobile city-square tent sites, drive-in swab centres and home-delivered tests that became ubiquitous during the pandemic and provided essential data for tracking its spread.


As Russian forces keep building, Ukrainians resist the urge to panic


Amid a rush of diplomacy to head off a possible Russian invasion, many Ukrainians are trying to block out the stress and carry on with life as usual. Still, the economic consequences of Russia's menacing troop buildup along the country's borders could be severe.
