Saturday, March 27, 2021

Dozens of protesters killed in Myanmar Saturday in crackdown on dissent


Myanmar's security forces shot and killed at least 50 protesters on Saturday, news reports and witnesses said, a brutal crackdown on dissent that came as the leader of the ruling junta said the military will protect the people and strive for democracy.


Is the pandemic killing the idea of the Commonwealth?

Queen Visit TOPIX

The pandemic has revealed the Commonwealth's lack of relevance and the empty nature of its promises of solidarity — as the U.K. sits on the world's largest supply of vaccines and refuses to share with its former colonies.


8 other times ships have run into problems in the Suez Canal

Cargo ships in the Suez Canal in 1973

The massive cargo ship currently blocking the Suez Canal — holding up of billions of dollars worth of shipping each day — isn't the first time something has shut down the link between the Mediterranean and Red seas.  
