Sunday, March 1, 2020

North Korea fires 2 unidentified projectiles into its eastern sea

Virus Outbreak North Korea

North Korea fired two unidentified projectiles into its eastern sea on Monday as it begins to resume weapons demonstrations after a months-long hiatus that could have been forced by the coronavirus crisis in Asia.


Pete Buttigieg suspends campaign for Democratic presidential nomination

APTOPIX Election 2020 Pete Buttigieg

Former South Bend, Ind., mayor Pete Buttigieg is ending his race for the Democratic presidential nomination.


Global energy sector showcase CERAWeek cancelled due to coronavirus fears

Husky and Suncor

One of the biggest conventions for the global energy sector has been cancelled amid fears surrounding COVID-19, the disease caused by the novel coronavirus.


'I don't feel like we're making any progress': 6 months after Hurricane Dorian, Bahamas struggles to rebuild

Great Abaco

Canadian charity GlobalMedic is spearheading efforts to get Bahamians working, homes back in liveable condition.


In Russia, it takes 'beatings or a dead body' for authorities to act on domestic violence, say advocates

Margarita Gracheva

In December 2017, Margarita Gracheva's husband took her to a wooded area near their home and chopped off both her hands in a jealous rage. She has since emerged as one of the most high-profile victims of Russia's epidemic of domestic violence, Chris Brown writes.


How Jews fleeing anti-Semitism in France are influencing Israeli politics

Macron in Jerusalem

Israel goes to the polls on March 2, the third time in a year. Many countries have tracked Israel's lengthy political crisis, but it has particular resonance in France, home to the largest Jewish community in Europe, Don Murray writes.


Solar storms may be linked to mass grey whale strandings

Grey whale beached

Each year, grey whales travel more than 16,000 kilometres along the Pacific Coast, from Mexico to Alaska and back. But every so often, many of them become stranded. Now a new study suggests these strandings could be linked to solar storms.


Afghan peace deal hits first snag over prisoner releases


Afghanistan's president says he will not free thousands of Taliban prisoners ahead of all-Afghan power-sharing talks set for next week, publicly disagreeing with a timetable for a speedy prisoner release laid out in a U.S.-Taliban peace agreement.


Thousands of migrants mass at Greek border, more flee Syria


The UN says at least 13,000 people were massed on Turkey's land border with Greece, hoping to head into the European Union.


Biden's lifelong presidential dream 'very much alive' after big win in South Carolina


Former vice-president Joe Biden's struggling campaign faced a do-or-die moment in South Carolina, and a dominant win there gives him a well-timed shot of momentum entering the coming week's Super Tuesday contests. 'We are very much alive,' Biden says.
