Saturday, June 6, 2020

Pandemic makes for lonely D-Day observance in Normandy

Virus Outbreak France D-Day

Compared to last year, when many tens of thousands came to the northern French beaches of Normandy to cheer the dwindling number of veterans and celebrate three-quarters of a century of liberation from Nazi oppression, the COVID-19 pandemic and subsequent restrictions turned this year's D-Day remembrance into one of the eeriest ever.


Optimistic U.S. unemployment figures under-reported due to misclassifications

Virus Outbreak California Jobs

U.S. unemployment dropped unexpectedly in May. But the Labour Department for the second straight month acknowledged making errors in counting the unemployed during the coronavirus outbreak, saying the real figure is worse than the numbers indicate.


OPEC, Russia to extend record oil cuts to end of July amid pandemic


OPEC, Russia and allies were set on Saturday to extend record oil production cuts until the end of July after crude prices doubled in the past two months on the back of their efforts to withdraw almost 10% of global supplies from the market.


2 Buffalo officers charged with assault after video showed police shoving 75-year-old man


Two Buffalo police officers were charged with assault Saturday, prosecutors said, after a video showed them shoving a 75-year-old protester in recent demonstrations over the death of George Floyd in Minnesota.


Coronavirus: What's happening around the world Saturday

Virus Outbreak France D-Day

The pandemic has prevented travel for families to visit the Second World War graves in France's Normandy, where Saturday marks the 76th anniversary of the epic D-Day battle, when allied troops successfully stormed the beaches and turned the war against the Nazis.


Some U.S. officials pledge police reform as George Floyd protests enter 12th day

Exchange-Protest Deescalation

Officials across the United States are moving to rein in police following accusations of excessive force being used against demonstrators, with protests over the killing of a black man in custody set to enter their 12th day on Saturday.


Protesting amid a pandemic: New Yorkers vow to mask up and keep fighting


In New York City, which bore the brunt of the coronavirus's impact in the United States, protesters are not letting the pandemic stop them from the types of large gatherings public officials have deemed dangerous. In fact, the virus's uneven racial impact has added fuel to the fire on the streets.


Donald Trump says Drew Brees shouldn't have backed off flag comments

Brees Social Media Football

President Donald Trump on Friday criticized Drew Brees' decision to publicly apologize and walk back his comments about "disrespecting the flag."
