Thursday, April 11, 2024

Ukraine's new mobilization bill offers no reprieve for weary troops 

A helmeted soldier wearing head-to-toe camo sits next to a large, wheeled artillery weapon, holding one hand to his ear as smoke billows out from the barrel behind him.

Ukrainian MP Inna Sovsun knows that Ukraine is in desperate need of soldiers. Still, she says she could not support the country’s new mobilization bill, which offers no rest for weary soldiers who have been on the front lines for more than two years — including her own partner.


Why Arizona revived an abortion ban from 1864 | About That

Arizona just revived a Civil War-era law — written before it became a state — banning abortion with virtually no exceptions, causing chaos and confusion across the state. About That producer Lauren Bird examines how Arizona's Supreme Court decided the law is still enforceable, and what the ruling could mean at the 2024 ballot box.


The Biden administration wants to tackle the 'gun show loophole.' Here's how

Several long guns are shown on a display rack.

A rule requiring gun dealers to obtain federal licences and conduct background checks regardless of where they sell guns has been finalized and will soon go into effect, the U.S. Justice Department said Thursday.


O.J. Simpson dead at 76

A dark-complected man is shown in closeup.

O.J. Simpson, the football star, actor and pitchman whose shocking arrest for double murder and subsequent acquittal at trial shone a light on American race relations, has died.


Ukraine power plant destroyed as Russia launches widespread attacks on energy grid

Dozens of people are seen in outerwear, sitting on chairs or on the ground inside a structure that looks like a transit station.

Russian missiles and drones destroyed a large electricity plant near Kyiv and hit power facilities in several regions on Thursday, officials said, ramping up pressure on the embattled energy system as Ukraine runs low on air defences.
