Saturday, August 15, 2020

Robert Trump, younger brother to U.S. president, dead at 71

Obit Robert Trump

U.S. President Donald Trump's younger brother, Robert Trump, a businessman known for an even keel that seemed almost incompatible with the family name, died Saturday night after being hospitalized in New York, the president said in a statement. He was 71.


Trump mulls pardon for leaker Edward Snowden

Facebook-Trump-Deleted Post

U.S. President Donald Trump said on Saturday he is considering a pardon for Edward Snowden, the former U.S. National Security Agency contractor — now living in Russia — whose spectacular leaks shook the U.S. intelligence community in 2013.


Police move in after opposing demonstrators clash at Georgia Confederate monument

Racial Injustice Georgia Protest

After several hours of mostly peaceful demonstrations Saturday in an Atlanta suburb that's home to a giant Confederate memorial, large numbers of police moved in to disperse the crowds when fights broke out.


Ship leaking oil near pristine area off Mauritius splits apart as cleanup effort continues


The grounded Japanese ship that leaked tonnes of oil near protected areas off the Indian Ocean island nation of Mauritius has split apart, officials said Saturday, with remaining fuel spreading into the turquoise waters.


Large protests in Belarus focus on spot where demonstrator died in clashes with police

Belarus Election

Thousands of demonstrators in Belarus gathered Saturday at the spot in the capital where a protester died in run-ins with police, calling for authoritarian President Alexander Lukashenko to resign after 26 years in power.


Wartime allies pay tribute to VJ-Day veterans on 75th anniversary

Britain VJ Day

Wartime allies Britain and Canada both paid tribute Saturday to veterans of the multinational Second World War campaign against Japan, which formally ended 75 years ago some three months after Nazi Germany had been vanquished in Europe.


Bahrain, Oman could be next to normalize relations with Israel. Saudi Arabia? Not so fast

Emirates Israel

The U.S.-brokered deal between Israel and the U.A.E. to establish diplomatic relations could lead other countries in the region to normalize relations with Israel. But it's unlikely that Saudi Arabia, arguably the most important geo-political Gulf state, will follow suit anytime soon, according to experts who specialize in the region.


Coronavirus: What's happening around the world on Saturday


India is ready to mass produce COVID-19 vaccines when scientists give the go-ahead, Prime Minister Narendra Modi said on Saturday as he launched a national project to roll out health cards for each citizen to store medical records.


California orders rolling power outages during heat wave

California Heat Wave

California on Friday ordered rolling power outages for the first time since 2011 as a statewide heat wave strained its electrical system.
