Monday, April 27, 2020

White House shifts approach, readies new coronavirus guidelines

Virus Outbreak Trump

The White House readied new guidelines Monday on coronavirus testing and reopening businesses as it sought to regain its footing after weeks of criticism and detours created in part by presidential sideshows. But U.S. President Donald Trump appeared reluctant to cede the spotlight.


A look at some unusual tools being used to remind people to practise physical distancing

A look at some unusual tools being used to remind people to practise physical distancing

Humour, theatre and the red card of a soccer referee are all being used to remind people to keep their distance to combat COVID-19.


U.S. considers new ways of working, living as some states ease coronavirus restrictions


Georgia on Monday will start allowing residents to dine inside restaurants or watch a movie at a theatre, as more U.S. states from Minnesota to Mississippi took steps to ease coronavirus restrictions despite the warnings of health experts.


Facing disaster, Russian businesses find Kremlin's COVID-19 aid lacking

Virus Outbreak Russia Businesses

Desperate business owners in Russia have been pleading with the Kremlin for help in the pandemic shutdown. The response, however, has been slower than they'd hoped and largely focused on big industries, leaving most smaller companies to fend for themselves.


Spain eyes looser lockdown after kids allowed outside


Spanish authorities on Monday prepared to further loosen one of Europe's toughest coronavirus lockdowns and played down concerns that letting children outdoors after six weeks had led to crowds forming in public spaces.


U.S. small business aid process reopens after 1st round saw big, publicly listed companies benefit

Virus Outbreak Felons

Businesses hurt by the novel coronavirus shutdown hoped to tap into a new batch of small aid approved by Congress last week. During the first round, dozens of publicly traded companies and large corporations were able to tap into the Paycheck Protection Program.


South Africa marks Freedom Day, but coronavirus is highlighting racial disparities

Virus Outbreak South Africa

South Africa's divisions over race and wealth inequality, which the COVID-19 crisis had briefly sidelined, returned to the fore on Monday's 26th anniversary of the end of apartheid.


Coronavirus: What's happening in Canada and around the world Monday


Ontario is set to unveil its reopening plan this afternoon, a day after it announced that publicly funded schools in the province will remain closed until at least May 31. Quebec is also expected to release some details around reopening, including how it plans to proceed with schools.


Italy's Catholic bishops wonder why masses were omitted from government's reopening plan


Italy's Roman Catholic Church has reprimanded the government for not allowing the faithful to return to masses at the start of a gradual staged end to Europe's longest coronavirus lockdown.


Boris Johnson returns to 10 Downing Street and urges Britain to stay the course with lockdown

Virus Outbreak Britain

British Prime Minister Boris Johnson urged his lockdown-weary country to be patient Monday, arguing that easing social and economic restrictions too soon would create a second deadly spike of coronavirus infections.
