Thursday, April 16, 2020

Declining infections, strong testing key to easing restrictions under new White House guidelines

Virus Outbreak Massachusetts

New White House guidelines outline a phased approach to restoring normal commerce and services, but only for places with strong testing and seeing a decrease in COVID-19 cases.


Canadian crew members 'feeling desperate and helpless' stuck on cruise ship


Canadian crew members of a luxury cruise ship say they are effectively being held captive aboard the vessel, being assigned work without pay and threatened that their lines of communication will be cut off if they speak out — allegations the company denies.


U.S. grapples with how to drastically ramp up COVID-19 contact tracing

Virus Outbreak Contact Tracing

As federal officials weigh how and when to reopen the country, experts say the United States does not have enough public health workers to suppress another outbreak, especially those qualified to do contact tracing, the critically important effort to find people who may have been exposed to the virus.


India police charge Muslim leader with culpable homicide over COVID-19 cluster


India has brought charges of culpable homicide against the chief of a Muslim seminary for holding a gathering last month that authorities blame for a big jump in coronavirus infections, police said Thursday.


Some good news from around the world on Thursday

Some good news from around the world on Thursday

With much of the world struggling through the COVID-19 pandemic, there are still some good-news stories to report. Here's a brief roundup.


China didn't warn public of likely pandemic for 6 crucial days: AP probe

Virus Outbreak China Delay

Chinese President Xi Jinping warned the public on Jan. 20 of a new coronavirus, predominantly concentrated in Wuhan. But by that time, more than 3,000 people had been infected during almost a week of public silence, according to internal documents obtained by The Associated Press and expert estimates based on retrospective infection data.


Athletes, sports teams, celebs join All In Challenge to feed hungry during pandemic

76ers Meeks Man Basketball

With factories closed, tens of millions out of work and a recession looming because of the coronavirus pandemic, athletes, teams, entertainers and business leaders are donating prized possessions in response to a challenge to feed families suddenly in need.


U.S. has seen 20 million new jobless claims since COVID-19 struck

jobless benefits michigan

Another 5.2 million Americans sought unemployment benefits last week, lifting total filings for claims over the past month above an astounding 20 million, which would underscore the deepening economic slump caused by the novel coronavirus outbreak.


Japanese PM Shinzo Abe issues state of emergency for whole country

Virus Outbreak Japan

Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe has announced an expanded state of emergency for all of Japan, with the measure to take effect Friday and last until May 6.


Britain almost certain to extend lockdown as restrictions reviewed today


The United Kingdom's novel coronavirus outbreak is starting to peak but it is too early to lift the lockdown because the virus would "run rampant" if the government eased social distancing measures, Health Secretary Matt Hancock said on Thursday.


Coronavirus: What's happening in Canada and around the world Thursday

Covid Ontario 20200415

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau is set to talk with premiers about how to boost pay for critical support workers in long-term care homes, a day after Ontario's premier said the coronavirus has shed light on the cracks in the province's long-term care system.  Here's a look at what's happening in Canada, the U.S. and around the world.


Pentagon $10B US cloud contract that snubbed Amazon was legal: watchdog


The U.S. Defence Department inspector general found no evidence of White House interference in the contract award process that saw Amazon snubbed in favour of Microsoft. But investigators could not fully review it because the White House would not allow unfettered access to witnesses.


As COVID-19 cases spike in Russia, the Kremlin struggles to respond


Even President Vladimir Putin is now admitting the COVID-19 crisis in Russia is dire. Hospitals are getting swamped and businesses are folding, Chris Brown reports.


Pandemic, an economic meltdown, now a 3rd crisis: China-U.S. tensions


The world's two biggest powers are growing increasingly hostile and it's worsened with COVID-19. The rivalry could intensify this year, with the U.S. public angry and the president bashing China as an election strategy.


The coronavirus doesn't discriminate, but society does — and the results in the U.S. are deadly

Coronavirus Does Discriminate Image 1

Data from the U.S. suggests COVID-19 is proving deadlier for black people and Latinos than other groups. Susan Ormiston reports from New York on the factors contributing to the troubling trend.


IMF boss says U.K. should seek longer Brexit transition


Britain should ask for an  extension to its post-Brexit transition period to ease  uncertainty at a time when the world economy is being hammered  by the coronavirus pandemic, the head of the International  Monetary Fund said.


COVID-19 has world's major economies on track for worst quarterly decline in history

Aritzia retail vancouver recession

The flood of negative economic indicators caused by the novel coronavirus is set to reach epic proportions in the second quarter, with the world's major economies poised to see their worst ever quarterly decline on record. 
