Sunday, May 10, 2020

Partial remains of 2nd Canadian military helicopter crash victim identified

Helicopter Crash 20200430

The Department of National Defence says it has recovered and identified the partial remains of a second victim of last month's military helicopter crash in the Mediterranean Sea.


Georgia attorney general requests federal investigation into Ahmaud Arbery killing

Ahmaud Arbery

Georgia's attorney general has requested a federal investigation into the handling of the death of Ahmaud Arbery, a black man who U.S. authorities say died at the hands of two white men as he ran through a neighbourhood.


U.S. Vice-President Pence self-isolates after aide diagnosed with COVID-19: official


U.S. Vice-President Mike Pence is self-isolating after an aide tested positive last week for the COVID-19 illness cause by the coronavirus


Hong Kong police, pro-democracy protesters clash after march permission denied


Riot police in Hong Kong grappled with pro-democracy protesters who gathered in shopping malls on Sunday to sing, chant slogans and flash hand signs after permission for a Mother's Day march was denied.


U.K. government releases new 'stay alert' message for lifting coronavirus lockdown

Virus Outbreak Britain

The U.K. government has replaced its "stay at home" coronavirus slogan with a new "stay alert" message, raising concerns about the potential danger of mixed messaging ahead of a speech Sunday in which Prime Minister Boris Johnson will lay out the stages for lifting the country's lockdown.


Italian aid worker abducted in Kenya returns home on special flight

Italy Kenya Kidnapping

Silvia Romano, an Italian aid worker kidnapped 18 months ago in East Africa, landed in Rome on Sunday a day after being freed.


Female front-line workers in Italy angry over lack of representation during COVID-19 response

Italian GP Alessia Bellan

Dr. Alessia Bellan is one of thousands of female front-line workers in Italy who are furious with a government they say is clueless to their needs and upset about the lack of female representation during the COVID-19 response.


As France emerges from 2 gruelling months of isolation, Macron hopes to win back citizens' trust

Macron wearing mask.

COVID-19 has devastated France and seriously damaged public trust in President Emmanuel Macron, writes Don Murray.


COVID-19 blame game intensifies with online ad campaigns paid for by China and the U.S.

Trump Xi

Backlash against China for its handling of the coronavirus outbreak is growing in the U.S., and Chinese State media is pushing back with an aggressive campaign online. Caught in the middle are scientists who say the escalating antagonism is making it harder to do their jobs.
