Sunday, April 19, 2020

India's COVID-19 lockdown is among the strictest in the world but has yet to slow the spread


Four weeks into India's now extended 40-day COVID-19 lockdown, the public health benefits of locking down 1.38 billion people remain unclear. Cases and deaths continue to rise as the total shutdown of the country devastates its large population of day labourers and migrant workers.


In empty churches, Orthodox Christians mark Easter amid COVID-19 restrictions

APTOPIX Virus Outbreak Mideast Jerusalem Holy Fire

A handful of Eastern Orthodox priests held mass for the Christian holiday of Easter on Sunday in an empty Church of the Holy Sepulchre in Jerusalem due to restrictions in place to prevent the spread of the novel coronavirus.


India's COVID-19 lockdown is among the strictest in the world but has yet to slow the spread


Four weeks into India's now extended 40-day COVID-19 lockdown, the public health benefits of locking down 1.38 billion people remain unclear. Cases and deaths continue to rise as the total shutdown of the country devastates its large population of day labourers and migrant workers.


The end of the roll as we know it: Getting to the bottom of a toilet paper shortage


They say absence makes the heart grow fonder, and it turns out that’s true not only in matters of the heart but of the bottom as well. To paraphrase the rock band REM: It’s the end of the roll as we know it. But who feels fine?


Renewable energy, retrofits touted as job-creating alternative to oil sector devastation


With a barrel of Canadian oil now going for the same price as a cup of coffee, some renewable energy experts say it’s time for a different approach to the energy sector in Canada.


A crisis can boost a leader's popularity — but it doesn't always last

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Hero today, goat tomorrow? History shows support for a politician's handling of a crisis doesn't always translate into electoral success.


Assessing the value of a life: COVID-19 triage orders mustn't work against those with disabilities

Hôpital de Verdun, COVID-19

Health authorities must affirm ethical and human rights obligations to persons with disabilities for situations where medical equipment becomes scarce, write Roxanne Mykitiuk and Trudo Lemmens.


The pandemic puts the royals online — and 'at their best'


When Prince William opened a hospital to care for COVID-19 patients via video link, the novel way of doing what is otherwise a regular royal duty may also have been a harbinger for members of the Royal Family as they contemplate how to carry out their roles in the future.


From pipe dream to prospect: the pandemic is making a case for a universal basic income

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Before the pandemic hit, the idea of a universal basic income was fringe policy in much of the developed world. But now that the economy is on life support and Canadians are being paid to stay away from work, the idea is looking more like common sense to many.


'Are we nuts?' Meet Canadians who started businesses during the pandemic

Effie Anolik

Even with the country in lockdown, a number of Canadian entrepreneurs are plunging ahead with new ventures. Here's just a few of those who are giving it a shot.


COVID versus Cupid: How this pandemic is changing the dating game

Dating during a pandemic

The COVID-19 pandemic might be forcing physical distancing, but dating apps are seeing a significant increase in users seeking emotional connection.


How to (tactfully) discourage spread of false pandemic information in chats, email

New Zealand Mosque Shootings Social Media

Understanding emotion and sentiment as society responds to the COVID-19 virus is the key to stopping the spread of false information, experts say.
