Tuesday, March 10, 2020

Polls set to close in 'mini' Super Tuesday primaries

biden sanders composite

Former U.S. vice-president Joe Biden and Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders were looking for a win in Michigan on Tuesday to prove they have the backing of working-class voters in a critical Midwestern battleground state that helped put President Donald Trump in the White House.

source https://www.cbc.ca/news/world/primaries-biden-sanders-1.5493236?cmp=rss

Trump pitches his coronavirus payroll tax break to Congress

Trump Virus Outbreak

U.S. President Donald Trump pitched his proposed payroll tax break Tuesday on Capitol Hill as pressure mounts on the administration and Congress to work more vigorously to contain the coronavirus outbreak and respond to the financial fallout.

source https://www.cbc.ca/news/world/coronavirus-trump-tax-break-1.5492685?cmp=rss

Pope, conducting mass alone, urges priests to minister to coronarivus sick


Pope Francis is urging priests to "have the courage" to go out to visit those sick from the coronavirus, even though Italy has imposed a nationwide lockdown to limit movement and prevent the virus's spread.

source https://www.cbc.ca/news/world/pope-francis-livestream-mass-1.5492287?cmp=rss

Pope, conducting mass alone, urges priests to minister to coronarivus sick


Pope Francis is urging priests to "have the courage" to go out to visit those sick from the coronavirus, even though Italy has imposed a nationwide lockdown to limit movement and prevent the virus's spread.

source https://www.cbc.ca/news/world/pope-francis-livestream-mass-1.5492287?cmp=rss

European banks offer relief to mortgage holders as coronavirus quarantines wallop incomes


Banks in Italy and the United Kingdom are offering a degree of leniency to borrowers struggling to make their mortgage payments, after mandatory quarantines have drastically reduced their ability to pay them.

source https://www.cbc.ca/news/business/coronavirus-europe-banks-1.5492235?cmp=rss

U.S. begins partial troop withdrawal in Afghanistan

US Afghanistan

The United States began withdrawing troops from Afghanistan, the U.S. military said Tuesday, taking a step forward on its peace deal with the Taliban while also praising Afghan President Ashraf Ghani's promise to start releasing Taliban prisoners after he had delayed for over a week.

source https://www.cbc.ca/news/world/afghanistan-us-troops-taliban-1.5492140?cmp=rss

Russian parliament begins paving way for Putin to run for president again


Russia's ruling United Russia party said on Tuesday it would back a constitutional amendment that would allow President Vladimir Putin to run again, the RIA news agency reported, a prospect Putin has previously played down.

source https://www.cbc.ca/news/world/russia-parliament-putin-constitution-1.5492114?cmp=rss

Minnesota program offers 'blueprint' for pursuing perpetrators of domestic violence

Sgt. Michele Giampolo and Lindsey

In an effort to stop domestic abuse, St. Paul, Minn., has been operating a program that brings together police, prosecutors and victim support services to bring "sure and swift consequences" for intimate partner violence.

source https://www.cbc.ca/news/minnesota-program-offers-blueprint-for-pursuing-perpetrators-of-domestic-violence-1.5491038?cmp=rss

Biden vs. Sanders: Comparing the candidates on how their policies would affect Canada


Canada will probably be negotiating a new trade deal with the U.S. if a Democrat wins the White House. But Bernie Sanders and Joe Biden have drastically different views of what a trade deal should look like, and also clash on other topics that matter to Canada. Here's a comparison.

source https://www.cbc.ca/news/world/biden-sanders-canada-comparison-1.5491733?cmp=rss

Crude price plummet raises spectre of spending cuts, job losses in Canadian oilpatch

Alberta TD Economy 20190716

The impact of plunging oil prices landed with a thud in Canada on Monday, sending tremors across the oilpatch and again raising the spectre of spending cuts, production cuts and job cuts.

source https://www.cbc.ca/news/business/canadian-oilpatch-price-plunge-1.5491173?cmp=rss

'I've been stuck on March 10th': Families of Ethiopian Airline victims return to site a year after crash

Air Crash Deaths

Families and friends of Flight 302 victims are in Ethiopia at the invitation of the airline to mark the anniversary of the crash that claimed the lives of 157 people, including 18 Canadians.

source https://www.cbc.ca/news/world/ethiopia-airline-crash-one-year-later-1.5491745?cmp=rss