Thursday, January 27, 2022

Stormy Daniels, Michael Avenatti square off as he questions her directly during his fraud trial

Michael Avenatti Charges

Stormy Daniels was on the witness stand Thursday at Michael Avenatti's trial, telling a jury she was "very, very angry" and felt "betrayed and stupid" when she was told that the California lawyer she had teamed up with against former U.S. president Donald Trump had stolen from her.


Russia says further talks on Ukraine still possible after U.S., NATO reject demands


Russia said on Thursday it was clear the United States was not willing to address its main security concerns in their standoff over Ukraine, but kept the door open for further dialogue.


U.S. Coast Guard recovers 4 more bodies off Florida coast in search for migrants lost at sea

External of view of the U.S. Coast Guard station in Fort Pierce, Fla.

The U.S. Coast Guard said Thursday that it had found four additional bodies in its search for dozens of migrants lost at sea off Florida but that it would call off its active search for survivors at sunset if it doesn't receive any new information.


Biden vows to nominate Black woman to Supreme Court as Justice Stephen Breyer set to retire


U.S. President Joe Biden on Thursday said he plans to name a replacement for retiring Supreme Court Justice Stephen Breyer by the end of February and reiterated his intention to nominate a Black woman to serve on the highest U.S. judicial body.


Meet the man who gave away his seat on a private trip to space

SpaceX private spaceflight winner

Space enthusiast Kyle Hippchen was the real winner of a first-of-its-kind sweepstakes but missed the fine print — and, ultimately, a trip to space.
