Tuesday, February 4, 2020

Trump to deliver 'optimistic' state of the union address tonight: White House

State of Union What to Watch

Stepping to the dais in extraordinary times, U.S. President Donald Trump on Tuesday delivers his state of the union address on the eve of his likely impeachment acquittal and in the aftermath of the chaotic first votes of the race to replace him.

source https://www.cbc.ca/news/world/state-of-the-union-trump-impeachment-1.5452097?cmp=rss

Medical journal report that a woman without symptoms spread the coronavirus in Germany was wrong


Research is messy and sometimes it's wrong. But science is also self-correcting. That's what happened after a report in the New England Journal of Medicine mistakenly concluded that a woman from Shanghai had spread the coronavirus to colleagues in Germany before experiencing symptoms herself.

source https://www.cbc.ca/news/health/coronavirus-2019-ncov-asymptomatic-nejm-epidemic-quarantine-germany-1.5451571?cmp=rss

Twitter to label deepfakes and other deceptive media ahead of 2020 U.S. election

Twitter Political Ads 20190626

Twitter said on Tuesday it would start applying a label to tweets containing synthetic or deceptively edited forms of media, as social media platforms brace for a potential onslaught of misinformation ahead of the 2020 presidential election.

source https://www.cbc.ca/news/technology/twitter-label-deepfakes-deceptive-media-1.5451948?cmp=rss

WHO confirms 27 cases of new coronavirus spreading human-to-human outside of China


The head of the World Health Organization (WHO) said Tuesday that it has confirmed 27 cases of the new coronavirus spreading person-to-person in nine countries outside of China. 

source https://www.cbc.ca/news/world/who-sends-team-china-coronavirus-1.5451436?cmp=rss

Iowa Democrats say partial caucus results coming late Tuesday afternoon

Election 2020 Iowa Caucus

The Iowa Democratic Party says it will release partial results of Monday night's caucuses later Tuesday after a delay that the party attributed to technical issues.

source https://www.cbc.ca/news/world/iowa-caucus-delayed-results-1.5450927?cmp=rss

Tesla shares soar 40% in 2 days as euphoria sets in — and short sellers get squeezed

Germany Tesla

Tesla shares are soaring for the second day in a row after the electric car maker sold more vehicles than analysts thought it would, prompting investors to pour money into the stock at a record pace and send short sellers running for the exits.

source https://www.cbc.ca/news/business/tesla-shares-tuesday-1.5451222?cmp=rss

'He is my rapist': Weinstein accuser returns to witness stand after breaking down during cross-examination

Sexual Misconduct Weinstein

A key accuser at Harvey Weinstein's rape trial returned to court on Tuesday to face further questioning by defence lawyers a day after she became so upset that the judge suspended her cross-examination.

source https://www.cbc.ca/news/entertainment/weinstein-sexual-assault-trial-accuser-returns-feb-4-1.5451516?cmp=rss

Lesotho PM's wife to be charged in murder of his previous spouse

Lesotho Thabane

Maesaiah Thabane, the spouse of Lesotho's prime minister, is set to be charged with murder in connection with the 2017 killing of his former wife, police said Tuesday.

source https://www.cbc.ca/news/world/lesotho-pm-thabane-charges-1.5451325?cmp=rss

McConnell dismisses 'factional fever' of Democrats a day ahead of impeachment trial vote


A day before the Senate is expected to acquit U.S. President Donald Trump in his impeachment trial, the chamber's top Republican on Tuesday exhorted senators to clear Trump and stop Democrats' "factional fever" from scorching America's system of government.

source https://www.cbc.ca/news/world/senate-impeachment-closing-remarks-1.5451169?cmp=rss

Murder trial begins for brother of Manchester concert suicide bomber

Britain Concert Attack

The brother of the suicide bomber who blew himself up at an Ariana Grande concert in the English city of Manchester three years ago was equally guilty of murdering the 22 victims, a court was told on Tuesday.

source https://www.cbc.ca/news/world/uk-manchester-concert-bombing-trial-1.5451111?cmp=rss

EU disappointed U.S. has backtracked on landmine policy

Iran EU Nuclear

The European Union expressed regret on Tuesday that the United States has decided to use anti-personnel landmines more widely and once again considers them to be an important weapon of war.

source https://www.cbc.ca/news/world/eu-us-landmines-policy-1.5451032?cmp=rss

Delayed Iowa caucus results could rob winner of 'bump' ahead of New Hampshire


After hours of waiting for results from the caucus vote in Iowa on Monday, the state Democratic Party said results won't be released until Tuesday. The biggest loser in the delay debacle — not including the state party, which is responsible for the caucus process — may just be the eventual winner of the state.

source https://www.cbc.ca/news/world/iowa-caucus-results-delay-1.5450566?cmp=rss

Hong Kong reports virus death as workers strike at hospitals


Hong Kong hospitals are cutting services as medical workers strike for a second day to demand the borders with mainland China be shut completely to ward off a virus that caused its first death in the territory

source https://www.cbc.ca/news/world/coronavirus-hong-kong-death-1.5450917?cmp=rss

Canadian special forces troops back on the job in Iraq, says commander

Iraq Cda 20170220

Canadian special forces troops are back to full employment in northern Iraq — but for how long?

source https://www.cbc.ca/news/politics/iraq-iran-special-forces-isis-islamic-state-1.5450655?cmp=rss

Iowa caucus results delayed due to 'quality checks' and new reporting rules

Election 2020

The Iowa Democratic Party said Monday night that results from the state's first-in-the-nation caucus were delayed due to "quality checks" and new reporting rules, an embarrassing complication that added a new layer of doubt to an already uncertain presidential primary season.

source https://www.cbc.ca/news/world/iowa-caucus-democrats-1.5450749?cmp=rss