Tuesday, June 9, 2020

Plagued with problems, Georgia primaries raise concerns about November presidential election

Election 2020 Georgia

Voters endured heat, pouring rain and waits as long as five hours on Tuesday to cast ballots in Georgia, raising concerns about state's ability to manage elections in November when the White House is at stake.

source https://www.cbc.ca/news/world/georgia-election-problems-1.5605381?cmp=rss

WHO backtracks on claim that asymptomatic spread of COVID-19 is 'very rare'


A top official with the World Health Organization has clarified statements that the spread of COVID-19 from people who do not show symptoms is “very rare,” amid backlash from experts who have questioned the claim. 

source https://www.cbc.ca/news/health/who-covid-19-asymptomatic-spread-1.5604353?cmp=rss

Israel's Supreme Court strikes down law legalizing settlements on private Palestinian land


Israel's Supreme Court struck down a law on Tuesday that had retroactively legalized about 4,000 settler homes built on privately owned Palestinian land in the occupied West Bank.

source https://www.cbc.ca/news/world/israel-west-bank-ruling-1.5604884?cmp=rss

Trump slammed over conspiracy theory about senior hospitalized in Floyd protest


U.S. President Donald Trump on Tuesday advanced an unfounded conspiracy theory about a 75-year-old protester in Buffalo, N.Y., who was pushed down by police officers, tweeting without evidence that the confrontation may have been a "set up."

source https://www.cbc.ca/news/world/trump-tweet-buffalo-gugino-1.5604326?cmp=rss

IBM exits facial recognition business, calls for police reform


In a letter to the United States Congress, International Business Machines Corp. has disclosed it will no longer offer facial recognition or analysis software. The company is instead calling for new efforts to pursue justice and racial equity.

source https://www.cbc.ca/news/technology/ibm-exits-facial-recognition-1.5604331?cmp=rss

Obscure Indian cyber firm spied on politicians, investors worldwide


A little-known Indian information technology company offered its hacking services to help clients spy on more than 10,000 email accounts over a period of seven years.

source https://www.cbc.ca/news/technology/indian-cyber-firm-1.5604376?cmp=rss

Burundi President Pierre Nkurunziza dead of a heart attack


Burundi's outgoing President Pierre Nkurunziza has died, the government of the central African nation has announced in a statement posted on Twitter.

source https://www.cbc.ca/news/world/burundi-president-nkurunziza-death-1.5604406?cmp=rss

George Floyd, whose killing by police energized a movement, to be buried


George Floyd, 46, will be laid to rest in a private service in Houston today, 15 days after he was killed when a white police officer pressed a knee on his neck. Floyd's death at the hands of police has sparked international protests and drawn new attention to the treatment of African Americans in the U.S. by police and the criminal justice system.

source https://www.cbc.ca/news/world/houston-george-floyd-funeral-1.5604263?cmp=rss

London mayor says statues of imperialists could be removed

APTOPIX America Protests Global Britain

More statues of imperialist figures could be removed from Britain's streets, following the unauthorized felling of a monument to slave trader Edward Colston in the city of Bristol, the mayor of London said Tuesday.

source https://www.cbc.ca/news/world/london-mayor-statues-1.5604233?cmp=rss

Coronavirus: What's happening around the world Tuesday


Britain's government is backing away from plans to have all children return to primary school before the summer, even as the country moves to ease restrictions imposed because of the coronavirus. Here's what's happening around the world on Tuesday.

source https://www.cbc.ca/news/world/coronavirus-covid19-june9-tuesday-1.5604195?cmp=rss

Tehran to execute Iranian it says spied on warlord Soleimani for CIA, Mossad

Persian Gulf Tensions

An Iranian who spied for U.S. and Israeli intelligence on slain Revolutionary Guards commander Qassem Soleimani has been sentenced to death, Iran said on Tuesday, adding the case was not linked to Soleimani's killing earlier this year.

source https://www.cbc.ca/news/world/iran-spy-death-sentence-1.5604234?cmp=rss

France announces billions in aid to aviation industry


France's government announced €15 billion (around $22.7 billion Cdn) in rescue money on Tuesday for the pandemic-battered aerospace industry, including plane maker Airbus and national airline Air France.

source https://www.cbc.ca/news/world/france-announces-billions-in-aid-to-aviation-industry-1.5604190?cmp=rss

George Floyd's former roommate remembers his friend: 'Every day ... I see his face'

George Floyd Memorials

It was two weeks ago that George Floyd was killed at the hands of Minneapolis police, sparking protests the world over. CBC News spoke to Floyd's former roommate about Floyd's life - and what he has achieved in death.

source https://www.cbc.ca/news/world/george-floyd-roommate-minneapolis-protest-1.5603817?cmp=rss