Wednesday, March 2, 2022

Alabama man pleads guilty to seditious conspiracy, in relation to Jan. 6 riot


Joshua A. James, an Alabama man affiliated with the far-right Oath Keepers militia group pleaded guilty Wednesday to seditious conspiracy for his actions leading up to and through the Jan. 6 riot, making him the first person involved in the violent attack on the U.S. Capitol to be convicted of the rarely used charge.


Easing Afghan economic crisis requires co-operating with Taliban, UN envoy says

Afghan man pushing wheelbarrow filled with food supplies in Kabul

Humanitarian agencies may have distributed enough aid in Afghanistan to avert famine and large-scale starvation, but the country's economic collapse is "approaching a point of irreversibility," the UN envoy to Kabul said on Wednesday.


UN agrees to create global plastic pollution treaty

India plastic pollution

The United Nations approved a landmark agreement to create the world's first ever global plastic pollution treaty on Wednesday, describing it as the most significant environmental deal since the 2015 Paris climate accord.


Nerve damage may explain some cases of long COVID, U.S. study suggests

covid microscope

A small study of patients suffering from persistent symptoms long after a bout of COVID-19 found that nearly 60 per cent had nerve damage possibly caused by a defective immune response, a finding that could point to new treatments, researchers have found.


A chunk of space junk is about to smash into the moon

Palestinians Ramadan

The moon is about to get walloped by three tonnes of space junk, a punch that will carve out a crater that could fit several tractor-trailers.


Sydney, Australia, braces for flash floods with torrential rain in forecast


Sydney was preparing on Wednesday for dangerous flash flooding as population centres farther north began a massive cleanup operation after record floods that have claimed at least 14 lives along Australia's east coast in recent days.


Biden's case for supporting Ukraine signals a united American government, but provides few details


For those wanting to hear a more detailed explanation of why the U.S. should push back against Russia's invasion of Ukraine – and the potential costs of doing so – President Joe Biden's state of the union address may have left some with lingering questions.
