Saturday, April 30, 2022

British MP resigns after admitting to watching porn in House of Commons


Neil Parish, a member of Parliament since 2010, announced his decision Saturday after pressure from members of his own party who sought to defuse sleaze allegations before Britain holds its local elections on May 5.


Dozens missing in China after partial collapse of 6-storey building

Rescuers search for survivors in aftermath of partial building collapse in Changsha, China

Rescuers in central China have pulled out alive five of 23 people trapped in a partially collapsed building, authorities said on Saturday, while President Xi Jinping gave instructions to rescue the victims "at all costs."


Angelina Jolie meets wounded children and fans in western Ukraine

APTOPIX Russia Ukraine War

Hollywood actress and United Nations special human rights envoy Angelina Jolie made a surprise visit to Lviv, in western Ukraine, on Saturday. But a UN spokesperson says she wasn't in the city on official business but in her "personal capacity."
