Wednesday, April 29, 2020

Memo says California governor will order all beaches closed

Virus Outbreak California

A memo sent to California police chiefs says Gov. Gavin Newsom will order all beaches and state parks closed starting Friday to curb the spread of the coronavirus


Canadian Armed Forces confirms contact lost with Cyclone helicopter near Greece

HMCS Fredericton 20091025

A Canadian military helicopter serving with a NATO naval task force has reportedly crashed while participating in a mission in international waters off Greece. A tweet from the Canadian Armed Forces operations confirms the incident involved one of their CH-148 Cyclones.


Antiviral drug remdesivir shortens time to recover from pandemic virus, top U.S. health official says

Remdesivir Gilead

An experimental drug has proved effective against the new coronavirus in a major study, U.S. government and drug company officials say.


Far-right extremist charged with German politician's murder in 2019

Germany Politician's Death

German prosecutors have charged a far-right extremist with the killing of a regional politician from Chancellor Angela Merkel's party last year, and a near-fatal attack on an Iraqi asylum-seeker in 2016.


Justin Amash, who left Republican Party, poised for presidential run as Libertarian

Election 2020 Amash

Congressman Justin Amash of Michigan said late Tuesday that he is launching an exploratory committee for the 2020 Libertarian Party's presidential nomination.


Airway experts' work puts them dangerously close to where the virus lurks

Virus Outbreak The Airway Experts

Hundreds of times every week during this pandemic, doctors and nurses treating critically ill COVID-19 patients in the U.S. steel themselves to insert ventilator breathing tubes.


New York mayor angered by crowded Orthodox funeral, Jewish groups fire back

Virus Outbreak New York

New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio oversaw the dispersal of a large, tightly packed Hasidic Jewish funeral and lashed out at the mourners who had gathered in defiance of social distancing rules intended to curb the spread of the coronavirus.


U.S. Federal Reserve likely to renew pledge to use all tools to brace economy amid pandemic


The Federal Reserve, which has pumped trillions in emergency funding into U.S. financial markets to stem the damage from the coronavirus pandemic, is expected on Wednesday to reiterate its promise to do whatever it takes to support the world's largest economy.


China angered by Australian call for international inquiry into coronavirus origin


China accused Australia of "petty tricks" on Wednesday in an intensifying dispute over Canberra's push for an international inquiry into the coronavirus outbreak that could affect diplomatic and economic ties between the countries.


South Korea construction fire kills at least 38

South Korea Fire

At least 38 people were killed Wednesday when one of South Korea's worst fires in years broke out at a construction site in Icheon.


Irrfan Khan, Indian actor in Life of Pi, dies of cancer at 53

Film Irrfan Khan

Irrfan Khan, an Indian actor who brought versatility and style to recent hit films and had roles in Hollywood movies such as Life of Pi and The Namesake, died on Wednesday at age 53.


British Airways expects to cut more than a quarter of its jobs


British Airways plans to cut more than a quarter of its jobs because of the coronavirus crisis, parent company IAG said on Tuesday, forecasting that passenger numbers will take years to recover. Meanwhile, Boeing and Airbus reported expected losses on Wednesday and outlined some of their future plans amid the pandemic.


'It's horrific': 68 with coronavirus have died at Massachusetts veterans' home

Virus Outbreak Soldiers Home

Nearly 70 residents sickened with the coronavirus have died at a Massachusetts home for aging veterans, as state and federal officials try to figure out what went wrong in the deadliest known outbreak at a long-term care facility in the U.S.


It's a boy: British PM Boris Johnson and fiancée 'thrilled' by birth of a son


British Prime Minister Boris Johnson's fiancée, Carrie Symonds, gave birth to a baby boy on Wednesday at a London hospital, slightly earlier than had been expected.


China to convene Congress, showing confidence in virus fight

Virus Outbreak Chiba

China, in a step toward returning to business as normal, announced Wednesday that its previously postponed national legislature session would be held in late May.
