Monday, September 18, 2023

After 8 years in an Iranian prison, Siamak Namazi shines light on those left behind 

A man in a suit emerges from an airplane.

Siamak Namazi, freed in a U.S.-Iran prisoner swap, issued a dire warning about those who are still trapped in Evin Prison, and what the future might hold if Iran is allowed to keep using foreign nationals as diplomatic hostages.


UN warns of potential 'second devastating crisis' from contaminated water in wake of Libya floods

Men comfort each other amid a group of people gathered outside a mosque

Officials have warned that a disease outbreak in Libya's northeast, where floods have killed thousands, could create "a second devastating crisis" as diarrhea spread among those who drank contaminated water.


Iran, U.S. to exchange prisoners, $6B in funds unfrozen for Iran

A man in a suit blazer and high collared shirt speaks into a microphone at a podium in front of a backdrop that includes a flag.

Iran and the United States will exchange what is expected to be five prisoners each after some $6 billion US once frozen in South Korea reached Qatar, a key element of the planned swap, officials said Monday.


Taiwan faces threat of invasion. Many Taiwanese aren't worried

Dancers pose on the ground as a photographer shoots them.

Despite Beijing’s near-monthly attack drills against Taiwan — and its oft-repeated claim that the island will be reunited with the mainland, by force, if necessary — many Taiwanese just don’t buy it.
