Sunday, January 28, 2024

Hong Kong court orders Chinese property developer Evergrande to liquidate

A lit sign atop a commercial building shows Chinese characters and English that reads, 'Evergrande Group.'

A Hong Kong court on Monday ordered the liquidation of property company China Evergrande Group, a move likely to send ripples through China's crumbling financial markets as policy-makers scramble to contain the deepening crisis.


Iranian regime launches satellites into space amid rising tensions rise in Middle East

A night view of a rocket blasting off from a launch pad surrounded by towers.

Iran's government said Sunday it successfully launched three satellites into space with a rocket that had multiple failures in the past, the latest for a program that the West says improves Tehran's ballistic missiles.


Royal privacy and public life: Health concerns for King and Princess of Wales reveal different priorities

A composite shot of two people looking straight ahead.

When word spread recently that both King Charles and his daughter-in-law, Catherine, Princess of Wales, were dealing with health concerns, different approaches to the line between private and public life for senior royals were on display.
