Wednesday, April 17, 2024

Nothing to see here, just an escaped circus elephant strolling down a Montana street

An elephant walks down a residential street

The sound of a vehicle backfiring spooked a circus elephant while she was getting a pre-show bath in Butte, Mont., leading the pachyderm to break through a fence and take a brief walk.


Hugh Grant settles phone-hacking lawsuit with Murdoch-owned British tabloid the Sun

A clean-shaved middle aged man is shown smiling outside in a closeup photo.

British actor Hugh Grant has settled a lawsuit against the publisher of the Sun tabloid newspaper over claims journalists used private investigators to tap his phone and burgle his house, his lawyer said in court documents on Wednesday.


Salman Rushdie details the 27 seconds of the knife attack that nearly ended his life

Salman Rushdie

Acclaimed author Salman Rushdie was attacked on a New York stage in August 2022 and suffered life-changing injuries. He spoke to CBC's The Current about his new book, in which he details the stabbing, imagines a conversation with the alleged attacker and shares how he beat the odds to survive.
