Thursday, December 3, 2020

Lack of raw materials blamed for slashed supply target of Pfizer's COVID-19 vaccine


A lack of raw materials used in the manufacture of Pfizer's COVID-19 vaccine played a role in the company's decision to slash its 2020 production target, a spokeswoman told Reuters.


Astronomers share most detailed map yet of the galaxy

Astronomers share most detailed map yet of the galaxy

New data from the European Space Agency's Gaia spacecraft tracks the paths of thousands of stars over hundreds of millions of years from the present to the distant future, including waves of stars originating from an ancient galaxy collision.


Obama, Bush, Clinton ready to promote coronavirus vaccine with on-camera jabs


Three former U.S. presidents say they'd be willing to take a coronavirus vaccine publicly, once one becomes available, to encourage all Americans to get inoculated against a disease that has already killed more than 273,000 people across the country.


U.S. judge dismisses criminal counts against employees in Missouri boat accident that killed 17

Missouri Boat Accident

Judge dismisses criminal charges against three employees of the tourist duck boat, which sank during a storm on Table Rock Lake near Branson, about 270 km southwest of the capital Jefferson City.


In seismic shift, Warner Bros. to stream all 2021 films in U.S.

Film-Warner Bros

In the most seismic shift by a Hollywood studio yet during the pandemic, Warner Bros. Pictures on Thursday announced that all of its 2021 film slate will debut simultaneously in theatres and on HBO Max. In Canada the studio's films will launch theatrically along with other worldwide territories.


In seismic shift, Warner Bros. to stream all 2021 films in U.S.

Film-Warner Bros

In the most seismic shift by a Hollywood studio yet during the pandemic, Warner Bros. Pictures on Thursday announced that all of its 2021 film slate will debut simultaneously in theatres and on HBO Max. In Canada the studio's films will launch theatrically along with other worldwide territories.


Wisconsin Supreme Court delivers another election challenge loss to Trump


The Wisconsin Supreme Court on Thursday refused to hear U.S. President Donald Trump's lawsuit attempting to overturn his loss to Democrat Joe Biden in the battleground state, saying the case must first wind its way through lower courts.


4 die after explosion at U.K. waste water treatment plant

Britain Explosion

Four people have died following an explosion at a waste water treatment plant near the southwest England city of Bristol, police say.


Cyberattacks target COVID-19 vaccine distribution effort


IBM is sounding the alarm over hackers targeting companies critical to the distribution of COVID-19 vaccines, a sign that digital spies are turning their attention to the complex logistical work involved in inoculating the world's population against the novel coronavirus.


Chinese spacecraft has fresh moon rock samples to return to Earth

China Moon Probe

China said Thursday its latest lunar probe has finished taking samples of the moon's surface and sealed them within the spacecraft for return to Earth, the first time such a mission has been attempted by any country in more than 40 years.


Daytime fireball thrills witnesses from Ontario to Virginia

Meteor satellite

A noon-time boom that was heard and felt from southern Ontario to Virginia on Wednesday was likely caused by a disintegrating meteor, according to an organization in western New York that keeps track of such phenomena.


Late former French president Valéry Giscard d'Estaing helped reshape Europe

France Obit Giscard d'Estaing

Tributes poured in from France and around Europe on Thursday, a day after former French president Valéry Giscard d'Estaing died of complications from COVID-19 at age 94.


Canada-U.S. border rules: Why some travellers get to cross while others are shut out

COVID Cda US Students 20200727

Although Canada and the U.S. mutually agreed to close their shared border to non-essential travel, they each crafted their own policies. That has sparked some confusion and frustration, as the rules vary — depending on which country you're entering.


Why the 1976 U.S. swine flu vaccinations may offer lessons for the COVID-19 pandemic

gerald ford

The U.S. vaccination program of 1976, though it was cut short, may offer some lessons as governments around the world prepare to inoculate the public at large.


Hong Kong media tycoon Jimmy Lai denied bail on fraud charge

Hong Kong Jimmy Lai

Outspoken Hong Kong pro-democracy advocate and media tycoon Jimmy Lai was refused bail on Thursday on a fraud charge amid a growing crackdown on dissent in the semi-autonomous city.
