Wednesday, May 31, 2023

NASA UFO panel says stigma, lack of data are problems when studying 'unidentified aerial phenomena'

NASA UFO panel

The first public meeting of a NASA panel studying what the government calls "unidentified aerial phenomena," commonly known as UFOs, kicked off on Wednesday to discuss its findings since it formed last year.


North Korean spy satellite plunges into sea after rocket failure

Japan Koreas Tensions

A North Korean satellite launch on Wednesday ended in failure, sending the booster and payload plunging into the sea, North Korean state media said, and the South's military said it had recovered parts of the launch vehicle.


Poland is rearming itself at high speed — could Canada take a lesson from Warsaw?

Poland South Korea Weapons

The Canadian military is used to procurement timelines that can cover decades. So how did Seoul manage to deliver new tanks and guns to Poland just four months after the contract was signed?
