Thursday, October 7, 2021

Hawaii is forming a task force to study the issue of missing and murdered Native Hawaiian women and girls

Missing Native Hawaiian Women

The panel, created by the state House earlier this year, aims to gather data and identify the reasons behind the problem. Few figures exist, but those that do suggest Native Hawaiians are disproportionately represented among the state's sex trafficking victims.


Flash floods kill 4 in Alabama as slow-moving weather front drenches state

Image from video shared on social media of flooded street in Vestavia, Ala.

Terrified drivers climbed out of swamped cars and muddy floodwater flowed through neighbourhoods after a stalled weather front drenched Alabama for hours, leaving entire communities under water Thursday and killing at least four people, with more storms to come.


Pfizer asks U.S. to allow COVID-19 shots for kids ages 5 to 11

Virus Outbreak

Pfizer asked the U.S. government Thursday to allow the use of its COVID-19 vaccine in children ages five to 11 — and if regulators agree, shots could begin within a matter of weeks.


Coronavirus: What's happening in Canada and around the world on Thursday


Rebel-held northwest Syria is facing an unprecedented coronavirus surge, and aid agencies are calling on the world to help provide humanitarian and medical aid, increase hospital capacity and ensure people are vaccinated.


Investigators board ship that was anchored near ruptured California oil pipeline

California Oil Spill

U.S. Coast Guard investigators have boarded a massive cargo ship as part of the ongoing probe into what caused the rupture of a California oil pipeline that sent crude washing up on beaches.


Tanzanian writer Abdulrazak Gurnah wins Nobel Prize in Literature


Tanzanian writer Abdulrazak Gurnah was awarded the Nobel Prize in Literature on Thursday for works that explore the legacies of imperialism on uprooted individuals.


Airport shut in Spain's La Palma due to volcano ash

Spain Volcano

Ash from the erupting Cumbre Vieja  volcano forced authorities in Spain's La Palma to close the airport on the island on Thursday, Spanish air traffic operator Aena said.
