Wednesday, December 21, 2022

'No Bears' is one of year's most acclaimed films. Its director is behind bars for defying Iran's regime

Film-Imprisoned Iranian Director

The Iranian regime ordered Jafar Panahi to stop making films. Now he's in prison as his latest release, 'No Bears,' earns glowing reviews - and sparks protests demanding his release.


WHO calls on China to provide more data as it limits its definition of COVID deaths

Virus Outbreak China

The country only defines COVID-related deaths as those who died from pneumonia or respiratory failure, which underestimates the death toll, says WHO.


'Surreal' killing of 4 chimpanzees has zoologist reconsidering ties with Swedish zoo

Linda and Manda

Linda, Santino, Torsten and Manda broke out of their enclosure last Wednesday. Furuvik Zoo was closed to the public, and temperatures were around –15 degrees, but it took days for the zoo to bring the situation under control. 


Female students turned away from Afghan universities after Taliban ban


Taliban security forces in Kabul, Afghanistan, on Wednesday enforced a new ban on women obtaining higher education by blocking their access to universities.


Elon Musk looking for a Twitter CEO 'foolish enough to take the job'

Norway Sustainable Energy

Elon Musk said Tuesday that he plans on remaining as Twitter's CEO until he can find someone willing to replace him in the job.
