Saturday, December 9, 2023

University of Pennsylvania president resigns amid backlash over Congress antisemitism testimony

A person is seen listening while seated with a microphone.

Liz Magill was one of three presidents of top universities who were criticized after they testified at a congressional hearing about a rise in antisemitism on college campuses following the outbreak of the Israel-Hamas war.


U.S. 'beginning' internal discussions about renewing North American trade pact

Profile shot of man in suit speaking at podium

For anyone with lingering night terrors from the last renegotiation of NAFTA, the notion of reopening the pact might evoke that classic line from a horror sequel: It's baaaaa-aaaack. But this time is different, says the U.S. envoy to Canada. On his second anniversary in Ottawa, David Cohen says he's heartened by the constructive mood.
