Sunday, September 27, 2020

New York Times report claims Trump tax avoidance, which he dismisses as 'fake news'


U.S. President Donald Trump paid no federal income taxes in 10 of the past 15 years, according to a report Sunday in The New York Times.


100,000 march in Belarus capital on 50th day of protests against president

Belarus Protests

About 100,000 demonstrators marched in the Belarusian capital calling for the authoritarian president's ouster, some wearing cardboard crowns to ridicule him, on Sunday as the protests that have rocked the country marked their 50th consecutive day.


On guns, abortion, U.S. Supreme Court could become more conservative if Trump nominee confirmed


If the U.S. Congress confirms President Donald Trump's nominee to succeed Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg, the Supreme Court would become more conservative — and also perhaps more ready to tackle certain hot-button issues such as abortion and gun rights.


David Attenborough gives shark tooth fossil to 7-year-old Prince George

Britain Royals Attenborough

Veteran broadcaster and naturalist David Attenborough has given Britain's Prince George a giant shark tooth fossil after a private viewing of his new documentary at Kensington Palace.


Fighting erupts between Armenia, Azerbaijan in disputed area

Armenia Azerbaijan

Fighting between Armenia and Azerbaijan broke out Sunday around the separatist region of Nagorno-Karabakh and the Armenian defence ministry said two Azerbaijani helicopters were shot down.


In France, the pandemic deepens the political divide as death toll continues to rise

Virus Outbreak France

In France, where more than 30,000 people with COVID-19 have died, the pandemic has become political. The national government in Paris decreed on Wednesday that, as of Saturday, all cafés, restaurants and bars in the Marseille-Aix-en-Provence region would have to close to help avoid another lockdown.


Why the Queen herself has twice delivered Canada's speech from the throne

 queen elizabeth throne speech 1977

This week saw Gov. Gen. Julie Payette carry out one of her more significant parliamentary duties as the Queen's representative — opening up the new session of Canada's Parliament by delivering the speech from the throne. But there have been two occasions in which the Queen herself has read the throne speech in Ottawa.
