Friday, May 29, 2020

U.S. court rejects request to revive Keystone XL pipeline permit program

TC Energy Rslts 20200501

A U.S. appeals court on Thursday turned down the Trump administration's request to revive a permit program for new oil and gas pipelines, an outcome that industry representatives said could delay more than 70 projects across the U.S. and cost companies up to $2 billion.


Brazil overtakes Spain for 5th most COVID-19 deaths, reports nearly 27,000 new cases


Coronavirus deaths in Brazil reached 27,878, the Health Ministry said on Friday, surpassing Spain to become the fifth-ranking nation in the number of dead.


Trump says U.S. terminating relationship with WHO as rift with China grows

Virus Outbreak Trump

President Donald Trump says the U.S. will terminate its relationship with the World Health Organization over its handling of the coronavirus outbreak in China and will begin withdrawing special trade benefits for Hong Kong because of the Chinese government's imposition of a new security law there.


Russia expands stats on coronavirus-related deaths after criticism

Virus Outbreak Russia

The Russian government on Friday presented more detailed mortality figures for last month that include more deaths linked with the coronavirus, in a bid to dispel suspicions from some Russian and Western experts that authorities were trying to lower the toll for political reasons.


Trump tweet about Minneapolis protests slapped with Twitter warning

Trump tweet

Twitter has added a warning to one of U.S. President Donald Trump's tweets about protests in Minneapolis over the death of George Floyd in police custody, saying it violated the platform's rules about "glorifying violence."


New Zealand nears coronavirus eradication, but virus has grim global hold


New Zealand has all but eradicated the coronavirus with just one person in the nation of five million known to be infected. But developments were grim in other nations, with India reporting a record increase in cases, and Pakistan and Russia a record number of deaths.


Iconic sites stay shut as France lifts lockdown restrictions

APTOPIX Virus Outbreak France

Hold that smile, Mona Lisa. The Louvre, the Eiffel Tower and the Palace of Versailles will remain off-limits for the immediate future, as France lifts most of its remaining coronavirus lockdown restrictions next week.


7 people shot in Kentucky in protests over police shooting death of Breonna Taylor

Fatal Police Shooting Kentucky

At least seven people were shot in Louisville as protesters turned out to demand justice for Breonna Taylor, a black woman fatally shot by police in her home in March.


Fires burn in Minneapolis as protests rage over George Floyd's death


A third night of arson, looting and vandalism gripped Minneapolis as protesters vented rage over the death of an unarmed black man after a white police officer knelt on his neck as he lay on the ground following his arrest.


Pandemic slowed U.S. immigration to a trickle before Trump ordered a freeze


U.S. President Donald Trump made a headline-grabbing announcement last month that he would freeze immigration to the U.S. What wasn't known at the time — and what newly released figures now reveal — was the extent to which immigration to the U.S. had already slowed to a trickle during the pandemic.


Joe Biden's pick for U.S. vice-president could be the most consequential in 60 years

Election 2020 Biden Appearance

Joe Biden's choice of running mate, which he promised would be a woman, is likely to have significance beyond election day. If his ticket wins, she'd be the first female vice-president, and possibly be the presidential candidate in 2024.
