Saturday, July 31, 2021

Florida reports more than 21,000 daily COVID-19 cases — a new high

Virus Outbreak Florida

The Sunshine State reached the record as it become a new epicentre for the coronavirus, accounting for about a fifth of all new cases in the United States.


French police clash with anti-virus pass protesters in Paris

France Virus Outbreak Protests

Thousands of people protested France's special virus pass by marching through Paris and other cities on Saturday. Most demonstrations were peaceful, but some protesters in Paris clashed with riot police, who fired tear gas.


At least 6 dead as wildfires spread, destroy homes in Turkey


Fires continued in southern coastal provinces of Adana, Osmaniye, Antalya, Mersin and the western coastal province of Mugla, a popular resort region for Turks and foreign tourists, where some hotels have been evacuated this week.


West Africa battling rising COVID-19 case counts

People line up at Dakar's Leopold Sedar Senghor stadium, so they can be vaccinated

A resurgence of coronavirus cases in West Africa is hitting the region hard, inundating cemeteries where funeral numbers are rising and hospitals where beds are becoming scarce.
