Sunday, June 4, 2023

Scores detained in Hong Kong as Beijing cracks down on Tiananmen massacre anniversary


Restrictions in Hong Kong have stifled what were once the largest vigils marking the anniversary of the bloody crackdown by Chinese troops on pro-democracy demonstrators.


Signal failure led to India's deadly train crash, officials say


Indian authorities on Sunday completed rescue operations after the country's deadliest rail crash in more than two decades, with signal failure emerging as the likely cause of an accident that killed at least 275 people.


Like mother, like daughter: Ballroom and Latin champions showcase Canada's talent abroad, 40 years apart

Nikita Druzhynin, Virginie Primeau, dance the waltz

Blackpool may seem like an ordinary seaside town in the U.K., but it is also home to the world’s oldest and most prestigious ballroom and Latin dance competition. 


3 decades later, the Diana effect — and the Casey House effect — come to the stage

Royal Visit 20160922

A play premiering at Ontario's Stratford Festival is set against the anticipation of a royal visit by the late Diana, Princess of Wales, to Canada's first free-standing AIDS hospice. The work explores the potential to overcome alienation, the power of kindness and finding dignity in death.


China defends buzzing American warship, Canadian frigate in Taiwan Strait

Asia Defense

China's defence minister defended sailing a warship across the path of an American destroyer and Canadian frigate transiting the Taiwan Strait, telling a gathering of some of the world's top defence officials in Singapore on Sunday that such so-called "freedom of navigation" patrols are a provocation to China.


The FDA says people are confusing poppers with energy shots, and dying. Experts want proof

Poppers Alkyl Nitrites

It’s not unusual for the packaging of one product to resemble that of another, potentially leading to mix-ups. But the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has warned people who drink energy shots to make sure they’re not accidentally chugging a bottle of poppers — or they might end up sick or dead. 
