Monday, February 27, 2023

Florida governor signs bill giving state control of Walt Disney World district

US Florida Legislature

Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis on Monday signed a bill that takes control of a special tax district surrounding Walt Disney World that for half a century allowed the Walt Disney Co. to operate with a high degree of autonomy.


How The Lord of the Rings became a symbol for Italy's far right

TV-Lord of the Rings

On its surface, The Lord of the Rings is often read as a story about an epic battle between good and evil. But in the decades since it was first published, the series has taken many different meanings, including for neo-fascists in Italy who have adopted it as a potent symbol of their beliefs.


Hong Kong model's ex-husband, former in-laws charged with her murder


Abby Choi's ex-husband and former in-laws were put in custody without bail on Monday on a joint murder charge, just days after police found the Hong Kong model's remains.
