Friday, June 2, 2023

She lost her brother 9 years ago. Now she's trying to forge peace with Mexico's cartels

Delia Quiroa family

Fed up by a lack of action from the government or law enforcement, a Mexican woman with a missing brother has taken her plight directly to the people she says hold the real power in Mexico — the cartel leaders.


Mike Pence won't face criminal case for possessing classified documents

Election 2024 Pence

The Department of Justice has informed former U.S. vice-president Mike Pence 's legal team that it will not pursue criminal charges related to the discovery of classified documents at his Indiana home.


Child who died in custody denied ambulance multiple times, U.S. border officials say

Border Patrol Custody Death

U.S. Border Patrol medical staff declined to review the file of an eight-year-old girl with a chronic heart condition and rare blood disorder before she appeared to have a seizure and died on her ninth day in custody, an internal investigation found.


With days to spare, U.S. Senate gives final approval to debt ceiling deal

Debt Limit

Fending off a default, the U.S. Senate has given final approval to a debt ceiling and budget cuts package, grinding into the night to wrap up work on the bipartisan deal and send it to President Joe Biden's desk to become law before the fast-approaching deadline.


Scorching heat, congested camps and a perilous journey await many fleeing Sudan's violence

Donkey Carts

Along South Sudan’s border, right on the edge of a country at war, a CBC News team observed a huge humanitarian effort struggling to cope with the fallout from Sudan’s bloodshed.


Amazon ordered to pay more than $30M for privacy violations related to Alexa, Ring devices

Alexa Kids Privacy

Amazon agreed Wednesday to pay a $25 million US civil penalty to settle Federal Trade Commission allegations it violated a child privacy law and deceived parents by keeping for years kids' voice and location data that were recorded by its popular Alexa voice assistant.
