Wednesday, April 20, 2022

U.S. Capitol briefly evacuated after parachute demonstration plane deemed 'probable threat'

Capitol Evacuation

The U.S. Capitol was briefly evacuated Wednesday evening after police said they were tracking an aircraft that posed "a probable threat," but the plane turned out to be a military aircraft with people parachuting out of it for a demonstration, officials told The Associated Press.


Macron attacks Le Pen's Moscow links in France presidential election debate

APTOPIX France Presidential Election Debate

French President Emmanuel Macron tore into his far-right challenger Marine Le Pen on Wednesday for her ties to Russia, using a television debate to pick apart her suitability to lead the country and deal with Moscow as he trawls for the votes he needs to win another 5-year term.


Arizona wildfire triples in size, sending hundreds of families fleeing

Western Wildfires

An Arizona wildfire more than tripled in size as relentless winds pushed the flames through neighbourhoods on the outskirts of a college and tourist town, keeping hundreds of residents away from their homes and destroying more than two dozen structures.


Freeland joins finance leaders in G20 walkout over Russian invasion of Ukraine

Freeland walkout photo

Deputy Prime Minister and Finance Minister Chrystia Freeland joined officials from other national governments in a walkout at a G20 meeting Wednesday when the Russian delegation spoke at the event.
